Arriving in Budapest always feel like a homecoming.  It is such a joy to rediscover places I love and reconnect with people I adore.  This visit is special for two reasons: it's the first time I'm here with Tiny and the Princess, and the first time I've been back since my grandfather passed away.  All my favorite places are just overflowing with happy memories of time spent together, as well as reminders of the invaluable lessons he taught me.  I so pray that dear Didi smiles down and helps me weave just a little of the same magic for my own precious babies, on this and many future visits. 

Here are a few pictures of the Princess that I snapped this afternoon while she played in my friends' garden, where I used to romp as a kid (and teenager and twenty-something).  I cannot express how grateful I am to have friends who surround me and my little family with such love and beauty!

Tiny is noticeably absent because he was strapped to my back at the time.  Sorry, kiddo!!

I'll post more pictures when my better half arrives next week with my computer and I can dump my memory card onto our own hard drive...