Yesterday I left work in a rather dark mood. One of my coworkers had done something especially loathsome. Luckily I had some powerful forces helping keep my mood bright. There was my dear old friends Mother Nature and Lady Autumn came to the rescue with gorgeous weather. The good folks of Georgetown, and their outlandish Halloween decorations. Teabelly, with her support and indignation. And--of course--Dr. P. who does an amazing job of being WAY angrier than I am when someone gets on my nerves. Thank you all dear ones! I love you guys.

Here are some loads of pics of the ever festive Georgetown. I'm usually not a fan of scary decorations, but I think there was something cathartic about them yesterday...

(I've arranged the photos in order from Charming to Alarming abandon ship at your leisure)

this pumpkin must have weighed 300 lbs

Ghosts are cute, right?

Technically not Halloween decorations, but rather apropos...

Spiders were evidently very in this year. The one on the left took up the entire side of a house!

Here the right one was about 8 ft. across.

I realize he's flawed, but you know I have a thing for doctors!

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